•Do you have any ideas for speakers? (You? A friend? Someone from a particular type of organization?)
•Do you have any ideas for speaker topics? (Yes, ethics is on the list! Other thoughts: interviewing; IT fraud; hacking; risk assessment; fraud against seniors; locating hidden assets; failure to detect fraud… Your preferences?)
•Do you have any ideas for a good networking/social event for chapter members?
•Do you have a charity/community event with which the chapter could assist in some way?
•Would you be willing to assist the chapter in activities during International Fraud Awareness Week (November 13-19, 2016)? (Would your company be interested in being a sponsor for one or more activities?)
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please get in touch with me (craiborn1030@att.net) or one of the other board members. We'd love your input!